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  • Our Members

    Alan Yung

    EFY Sales, LLC Principal

    Alexander Conti

    Personal Lines Insurance & Employee Benefits

    Carl Gambino

    Signature Bank Commercial Banking

    Cathy Hobbs

    Interior Design/Home Staging

    Christine Wong

    Attorney at Law, Real Estate

    Daniel Clement

    Clement Attorney at Law, Family Law

    David Faverio

    Certified Data Destruction and Electronics Recycling

    David Mederrick

    Team Screening - Employee Background Screening

    Howard Bergstein

    Erich Courant Property & Casualty Insurance

    Jacques Boubli

    The Portfolio Strategy Group, Financial Advisor

    John Sullivan

    Attorney at Law, Tax

    John Maiolo

    Flooring Manufacturer

    Keith Parham

    United Energy Advisors LLC - Building Energy Efficiency + Compliance

    Ken Jacobs

    Limitless Workforce, Inc. Executive Recruitment and Search

    Lucy Magardichian

    Immigration Attorney

    Marc Schwartzberg

    OFH Office Furniture Heaven, Office Furniture

    Marc Landow

    Landow & Landow Architects Architect

    Michael Shapot

    Residential Real Estate Broker

    Michael Oberther

    Bookkeeping & Controller Services

    Mitch Nochlin

    Southbridge Press Commercial Printing & Graphics

    Richard Jacobson

    Intellectual Property Law - Trademark, Copyright, Internet and Advertising Law

    Richard Freiman

    Attorney at Law, Civil Litigation

    Robert Leo

    Attorney at Law, U.S. Customs & International Trade Law at Meeks, Sheppard, Leo & Pillsbury LLP

    Robert A Reitman

    MGO CPA, LLP Large Accounting Firm

    Robin Cramer

    RSZ Forensic Associates Forensic Accountant

    Ross Klenoff

    Corporate Attorney

    Steven Feldman

    White Collar Defense & Investigations attorney

    Tom Gallin

    Commercial General Contractor

    Valentin Domange

    Technology Consulting/Computer Hardware & Software

    Vince Prezioso

    Sterling Realty Residential Rental Agent

    William Skody

    Skody Scot & Company CPAs